Lottery Lawyers and Financial Advisors
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We strongly encourage all jackpot lottery winners to seek out the following services to ensure greater legal and financial protection:
Lottery Tax Attorneys
With so many complicated tax laws, you cannot afford to leave anything to chance. If you’re not careful, you can even be taxed for giving your money away! Luckily, hiring someone with extensive knowledge of federal and state tax codes can drastically reduce the amount of money you are required to pay in taxes after winning the lottery.
An experienced lottery tax attorney should also be able to address your unique situation and (in most states) help protect your identity when collecting your winnings from your state’s lottery commission. This can often be accomplished through the creation of a trust, limited liability company, or other legal entity.
And if you have won a sizable amount of money playing as part of a lottery pool, or if you plan on collecting your winnings as part of a group, having a proper tax attorney becomes even more important in order to be certain that everybody is treated fairly.
So if you’re looking to minimize your taxes while staying out of trouble with the IRS, be smart and hire a good tax attorney.
Financial Services
If you’re about to be rich, you’re definitely going to need a good “money guy.” This is the person that you will consult with before making any major financial decisions. And if you’ve just won the Powerball or another major lottery, then you’re probably about to make the biggest financial decision you’ll ever make. That is why it is absolutely vital to consult with a good financial advisor before deciding whether to receive a major jackpot prize in annual payments or as one lump sum. Choose wrong, and you could regret it for the rest of your life.
But if you take the time to sit down and listen to somebody who really knows what they are talking about, you can set yourself up on a financial path that will have you living the lifestyle of your dreams for many years to come. Even though your head might already be filled with all sorts of incredible ways you want to start spending your money, you have to remember that even lottery winners can go bankrupt (and they often do). And while planning for your long-term financial future may not be nearly as exciting as picking out luxury yachts, please try to understand that it is far more important.
Legal Representation
Depending on how much money you have won, you may wind up needing a whole team of experts to help take the nerves and guesswork out of complicated decisions by combining extensive knowledge and experience to protect your privacy, assets, and general well-being after winning the lottery. Although the type and number of people you’ll need in your corner is largely dependent upon your personal circumstances, there is certainly something to be said for peace of mind and blissful relief that can come along with knowing that there are people you can count on to constantly remove vulnerability from your life and actively prevent bad things from happening to you. It’s the next best thing to having a guardian angel!